Wright Care Solutions Ltd. an award winning Advisory Team, originally established in 2006, moving to a Limited Company in 2012. Our services include: supporting homes to reach compliance with CQC, CCG and Local Authority Quality Monitoring Teams.
We achieve this by visiting your care environment to review the services that are offered. The visit can be informal or if required the visit can be in the form of an external audits or a mock inspection.
We also provide Regulation 17 visits and can support with increasing occupancy, marketing of the home and we have experience of commissioning new builds.

During the last 3 years there has been an increase in homes engaging us to support with reaching compliance following receipt of an adverse CQC inspection. We have a “hands on” approach and provide advice, support, action plans and reports, but where needed, roll up our sleeves and support to put things right. This may include undertaking competency checks with staff, providing audit tools or other documentation required.
Julie Wright, Lead Advisor, is a qualified nurse with an in-date PIN number and 40 years’ experience in the sector. Her particular areas of expertise are in the fields of Mental Health, Dementia Care and Environment and Learning Disabilities.
Recent contracts include:
- Supporting a care group in the South of England to reach compliance through audits, action planning and mentoring.
- Supporting a Care Home issued with a “Proposal to Cancel Registration” and ‘Inadequate’ CQC rating, to move to a “Good “rating.
- Supporting a “Good” rated care home to move to “Outstanding” with CQC.
- Working with a groupof homes by undertaking external audits- a fresh pair of eyes – to overview an already ‘Good’ rated service.
- We work with Independent care homes, small groups, medium sized groups and large groups.
- For a full details of services available and a free quote call
- Julie Wright on: 07825 983228 or e-mail: enquiries@wrightcare.co.uk