Do you realise that you might be responsible for fire safety in your premises. The Fire Safety Order 2005 requires that all businesses appoint a ‘Responsible Person‘ for their premises. Regardless of how small the business may be this is a statutory requirement.. In general it would be the business owner, but it might also be the manager of the premises.
The starting point for all business owners and building managers is to carry out a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment. The Responsible Person must ensure that all persons who might be on their premises would be safe and protected in the event of a fire emergency. Consideration must be taken of visitors as well as staff
A great deal of attention is currently being placed on the cladding installed on the outside of high-rise buildings. However, the fire safety provision inside your premises is likely to be of greater importance in the initial stages of any fire. It is critically important that all persons who might be on your premises can evacuate promptly and safely within secure and protected escape routes.
This is the reason why it is a statutory requirement to assess the potential causes of fire, the potential risks that could allow a fire to develop and spread, and the control measures you have in place.
Areas that must be included in any fire risk assessment include:
sufficient provision of, and correct installation of, fire doors
electrical testing
fire partition walls
suitable means to raise a fire alarm
accountability for all persons
an appropriate fire strategy
David Black of DB Fire Safety Limited is hosting a seminar on Friday 30th June entitled ‘Fire Safety & Your Fire Risk Assessment’. This seminar, which is FREE to attend, will provide business owners and property managers with the relevant information and tools to fully understand the fire hazards and risks that are likely to be present in their premises. It will also provide the necessary tools for owners of small businesses to carry out their own fire risk assessments.
The seminar will help you understand the importance of fire safety in your premises and will run from 10:00 – 12:00 with tea/coffee on arrival from 09:30
To register for your FREE tickets please go on the attached Eventbrite link.