Alicia Darrington is 24 years old, she recently started work as a temporary Care Assistant at Bluebird Care West Berkshire. Alicia started as a Care Assistant after she had worked in a ski resort for a season earlier this year. This job was cut short when the Covid-19 pandemic forced ski resorts to shut for tourists. Alicia found herself unemployed and in need of a job.
She read an article online detailing how many care companies were recruiting new staff. Since Alicia enjoys interacting with people, she decided she wanted to apply to the home care provider Bluebird Care West Berkshire.
Despite lockdown, Alicia completed her induction training in socially distanced classrooms. She was trained in accordance with Public Health England’s guidance on infection control and prevention. The induction also covered the use of hoists and other techniques to help less able customers with more complex care requirements.
Alicia quickly decided she wanted to start shadowing more experienced Bluebird Care Care Assistants, which she found extremely helpful. They were always on hand to help her when she had any questions but trusted her to put her training into practice under their supervision.
Alicia said:
“I know it sounds really cheesy, but I get the biggest kick out of making people laugh or smile. I love this job because I try to bring joy through the door of the customer’s home and make my visit something they look forward to”
Alicia had not realised how much appreciation family members have for carers of their loved ones. She also now understands how much a 30-minute visit can make a difference to somebody’s day. However, the job is a lot harder than she had expected, and she has so much respect for all those who work in the care industry. Alicia explained:
“Every day, carers have got to find empathy and love, or they aren’t doing their job, even when they might be feeling tired and down themselves. I have come to appreciate the skill it takes to be so positive all day every day, as your customers often rely on you for social interaction. This is why all carers are superheroes.”