CARE home staff are continuing to raise hundreds of pounds for stroke survivors and their families – as part of a year-long fundraising campaign.
A tombola at the University Hospital of North Tees was run by staff from The Beeches Care Home, on Green Lane, Stockton-on-Tees.
Deputy manager Rachel Harris and activities coordinator Jess Roth manned the stand, selling tickets and giving away prizes including scented candles and toiletries.

Alongside a coffee morning at the home, this has added another £97 to the £660 total the home has already raised for the Stroke Association throughout last year.
Previous events included a supermarket bag pack, cake sale and sponsored walk.
Rachel said: “We’d like to thank North Tees Hospital for allowing us to run our tombola for the Stroke Association.
“We had a lot of interested and raised a good amount of money for the charity. Thank you to everyone who bought a ticket and congratulations to the lucky prize winners.”