BINGO brought teenagers and elderly care home residents together in Huddersfield. National Citizenship Service (NCS) students from the Huddersfield Giants Community Trust have been paying regular visits to Aden Court Care Home.
The 15-to-17-year-olds organised a bingo night with nibbles and drinks, as well as a games afternoon, quiz and arts and crafts sessions.
Pairing up with the home’s residents, the students helped create gift tags and decorations for Christmas.
Resident Jean Heapworth teamed up with volunteer Cameron Parks. She said: “No matter how old you get or how long your husband has been gone you always miss male conversation. Cameron has made my day.”
Resident Ruby Hobson said: “It was such a shame they had to leave. I thoroughly enjoyed having them in the home.”

The visit also saw the students add to the home’s memory cloud project, which invovles residents writing down their most treasured memories, which are then displayed in their rooms.
The students wrote their own memory clouds, to remind residents of their visit.
Lisa Boyd, home manager at Aden Court Care Home, on Birkhouse Lane, Moldgreen, said: “The NCS students and staff brought loads of energy and enthusiasm into the home.
“The residents and staff all loved having them here. The activities they organised were fantastic and enjoyed by everyone.