All shades of pink was proudly worn at a Mawdesley care home as they marked Wear It Pink Day – which raises awareness and funds to battle breast cancer.
Wear it Pink is one of Breast Cancer Now’s biggest fundraising events – a single day when thousands of amazing people come together in work places, schools, homes and communities across the UK to wear pink, raise money and show their support for Breast Cancer Now.
The staff and residents all wore an item of pink clothing, of their choice and baked cakes and savouries were sold to raise extra funds.

Faye Cooper, Manager at Stocks Hall Mawdesley Home said: “The day was great fun, especially as it was for such a good cause. In total we raised £67 for this amazing charity.”
Wear it Pink Day is the flagship fundraising event for Breast Cancer Now. Over 55,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year in the UK, including around 4,700 in Scotland. Thanks to research, more people are surviving breast cancer than ever before, yet there are still nearly 1,000 women who die of breast cancer every month in the UK.