What does poor sleep cost you? Your family? Your staff and care home residents?
Poor sleep makes us unhappy and affects our mental and physical health.
It is the biggest reason why people go into residential care.
And within care homes, it costs.

The Zeez Sleep Pebble prompts the natural brain activity of good sleep, gently and safely. Its tiny pulses match the alpha, theta and delta brainwaves of a good sleeper, at appropriate times in the sleep cycles. Most people respond by adopting the same pattern. We have users aged 20 –90 and hundreds of reviews averaging 4.8*.
Pre-pandemic, we worked with people with dementia. An NHS Dementia Assessment unit saw the sleep of its poorest sleeper transform from “very bad” to “very good” in three weeks – from 2-5 to 6-9 hours/night. We are now looking for care home partners to trial the Zeez and expect to deliver more night-time sleep and better daytime energy for users. Contact us for info.
We also have a £50 reduction on purchases of the Zeez Sleep Pebble until April 30th 2023 (code “care” via our website).
t 0208 3478734