Mabon & Ray is a business and consultancy agency specialising in healthcare businesses.
Mabon & Ray has been founded by former care home owner, whose ultimate aim is to ensure both parties are guided through the whole process to ensure it runs smoothly.
Rachel said she is drawing on her own experiences of buying and selling her care home to help others.
When buying and selling a healthcare business is very different to other businesses due to regulations and the reliance on the purchaser having the registration in place and are able to buy the business.

Mabon & Ray are currently developing technology to help support the process of selling a care home to be more efficient and provide a much information to the seller and buyer. The specialised agents will support sellers and buyers through out the whole process up to completion.
The consultancy service at Mabon & Ray specialise in homes that have received a ‘Requires Improvement’ or ‘Inadequate’ rating. The consultants act quickly and will work with the home to improve the rating. The consultants are here to support and guide providers throughout the whole process.