Poor care home staff retention can lead to Special Measures

care home staff in action in a lounge

Helen Fuller, Managing Director at Care 4 Quality, discusses the shortage in care home staff and how a positive working environment can boost staff retention… Research has shown that rising numbers of care homes do not have enough staff to meet people’s needs efficiently (as was the case in 72% of ‘special measures’ care providers analysed); and this is becoming a growing problem. There are of course, multiple reasons for this but the likelihood is, more residential homes are providing care and support for individuals with greater physical and psychological complexities and longevity than ever before. What were historically, fairly localised issues around recruiting care home staff, have now escalated to a national level with many care and support staff still being paid the minimum wage for what is a very physically challenging and emotionally demanding vocation. More worryingly, care managers are constantly tasked with weighing up the level of dependency versus the availability and financial implications of recruiting extra care home staff. The problem is, right now there is no legislation from the regulator in terms of what constitutes safe staffing, which leaves this wide open to interpretation and exploitation.   So many factors impact staffing requirements Whilst some care operators argue that set ratios are too prescriptive, on the flipside, the result of having no clear quantifiable system means that induvial interpretation as to what safe staffing actually looks like is very ambiguous and lacks consistency. Although there are a number of recognised tools available to help calculate dependency and quality staffing levels, there are so many other factors that can affect the staffing requirement in a care home. Everything from the building layout, the layout of converted buildings, the mix of available staff skill set to the team dynamics in terms of strength and weakness, will all affect the cohesion and effectiveness of a care team. Increased financial constraint also means that care homes have to be more imaginative when assessing and reviewing their staffing levels. Current trends to manage staffing include using other resources such as volunteers, apprenticeships and management time to fulfil the dependency need however, this does present its own risks certainly around limiting the amount of contingency that can be built into staffing rotas.  It also begs the question: what sustainable staffing options do care homes have in place for the future?   Developing a sustainable empowered workforce The care sector can only develop a sustainable and empowered future workforce by supporting staff in a positive working environment, with appropriate training, which supports their continuous professional development as well as managing staff mental health and wellbeing.  Essentially this is about caring for those who care for others. Reports confirm that a large majority of care workers and one in two care managers, are over the age of 50 years and predictions of a staff shortage is estimated by 2028. As such, care providers must start to formulate plans to foster a robust staffing environment of continuous development and career progression within their workforce. Supporting and encouraging staff to specialise in and champion various areas of the care industry will help to strengthen the quality of service provision while empowering staff to take ownership and to develop their own vocational pathway.  It is also imperative for care homes to be able to justify incremental increases in their fee rates and to have the courage to challenge where necessary. Being consistent in special costing requests from Local Authorities and commissioners will make this sustainable longer term.  Creating a robust and quantifiable dependency framework that evidences the direct correlation between individual resident complexity/dependency and staff time, can go some way to supporting this.   Mind the gap Care provision is such an exciting and challenging sector, one that is ever evolving and totally adaptable. From changing regulations to change of regulator and inspection methods, not to mention changing consumer demand, many care providers have had to diversify their services to even remain viable in the marketplace. Reviewing future sustainable options for safer staffing is an extension of the need for change in the sector.  Yet this is a sector to be celebrated in a positive light. Much of the care home headlines are focused on everything that is ‘wrong’ with the industry. Safe staffing matters and there are ways to improve this, it doesn’t seem right that this is open to individual interpretation, the gap is too wide. The sector should work to keep the emphasis on the positive side of care, ensuring that there are enough staff to meet the needs of those receiving care, but also as a welcome support to staff within teams.  The unique sense of team satisfaction gained through supporting people in a person-centred way, helps goals and achievements come to life in a real and meaningful way. *Research carried out by R.Drury, S.Bawden, R.Dowson-Wallace, H.Fuller (Care 4 Quality Ltd) Analysis of Inadequate CQC published reports between October 2018 – March 2019.  

The future of social care post-Brexit

​​social care workers look at a computer screen

Stephen Wilson, CEO of Netli.co, discusses the impact which the points-based immigration system could have on social care in the UK. With almost 1/10 of staff working in health and social care coming from the EU, care providers are still unsure what impact Brexit will have on recruiting EU nationals.  It is undoubtedly a time of uncertainty: So, who are we to believe in these mixed messages? With needs increasing and capacity decreasing, any loss of staff from the EU would be disastrous. Unfortunately, the government’s proposed “points-based immigration system’ for those from the EU, looking to work in the UK, will not be a support. The largest proportion of the current 122,000 vacancies would fail to meet the points-based criteria, due to the potential salary that care workers receive falling below the level set by the government. Currently, the role of a care worker is not classed as skilled or does not appear on the shortage occupation list. The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) were asked to consider impacts on, and potential mitigations for, “sectors that provide high public value to society and the economy, but which might not necessarily pay as high wages”. MAC reported that: “The most obvious examples of these might be public sector jobs like health and social care workers and teachers.”  However, to date there has been no response from the UK Government if a mitigation strategy for health and social care workers will be introduced. With so much uncertainty you may be surprised to learn that care companies access Brexit grant support has been pulled.  This leaves the most vulnerable in society at risk of losing their care packages as care providers struggle to navigate the impact of the Brexit transition. More so than ever, recruitment must go on, that is why Netli have been in discussions with Scottish Government to support a national recruitment campaign.  This includes CareJob.co, the first job board from advert to recruitment specifically for the health and social care sector. Additionally, Netli are hoping to support in these challenging times by providing free services for HSCPs, NHS, Local Authorities, Professional and Representative Bodies and Trade Unions. Whilst we can’t predict the exact impact of Brexit we can prepare.  With support and guidance any health and social care provider can weather this perfect storm.  

Bupa care home workers recruited via youth scheme

Bupa care home workers recruited via youth scheme

A group of young Bupa care home workers were recruited to the care sector via a scheme with the Prince’s Trust and Barclays/ The next steps for Bupa’s partnership with The Prince’s Trust and Barclays’ Connect with Work programme were announced this week. The care home operator plans to expand the programme into five further areas during the first half of 2020, working with its homes in Cardiff, Southampton, Birmingham, London and Edinburgh. Around 50 young people will benefit from the plans to secure traineeships at Bupa. Aimed at people from often-overlooked communities who are struggling to get a foot on the career ladder, the Connect with Work programme offers training and skills-based sessions, as well as hands-on experience with employers.  Shelley Haynes, who manages employability programmes at Bupa, explains: “After a successful pilot last year, we’re really excited to expand the number of homes involved in Barclays’ Connect with Work programme. It’s such a rewarding project – not only for the young people who can build their CVs and their confidence, but for the homes too. “We’ve chosen these five additional areas as they’re all areas where our network overlaps with that from The Prince’s Trust.  For example, we’ve five homes around Southampton, so will be able to welcome trainees into a number of roles. “We’ve been blown away by the quality of the candidates we’ve met so far and have been able to recruit people who are perfect for our homes, who otherwise might not have considered working in the sector. Here’s hoping for even more great results in 2020.”  Since Bupa joined Barclays’ Connect with Work programme in 2019, a total of 13 young people have now undertaken placements at Bupa’s Kensington care home in West London. Split across two cohorts, in June and November, the individuals received hands-on experience alongside care home workers throughout all areas of the home including activities, catering, housekeeping and maintenance. To date, four of the trainees have become care home workers at Bupa’s The Kensington home, while one has been offered a role at Bupa’s Heathgrove Lodge in Wimbledon. Bupa colleagues also continue to look for suitable care home vacancies for the other candidates. Barclays’ Connect with Work programme is a unique employability programme connecting people who are facing barriers to work with businesses that are recruiting. Working in partnership with impactful charity partners, including The Prince’s Trust, the programme provides job-specific skills training that meets the needs of both the people being supported into work and businesses that are recruiting. For more information, visit www.bupa.com.

‘Until society sees social care differently, we won’t solve the real crisis in the sector’

Victoria Syvelster of Acacia Training on setting higher standards in social work

There’s no doubt that the social care sector needs a major overhaul. But until society stops seeing care work as a second-rate profession, we will never solve the biggest issue – the workforce crisis, says Victoria Sylvester, Director of Acacia Training. Earlier this year, MPs called for a radical overhaul of the social care system in Britain. Recommendations included the mandatory registration of all care workers, overseen by a governing council, and the creation of a National Care Service. The proposals, published in a new report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Social Care were long-awaited after months of headlines about the ‘chaos of the care system’. Reports of half a million unqualified and untrained people working in the care sector shocked the nation, with many fearing for the safety of their elderly relatives and neighbours. There’s no doubt that stories like these are extremely concerning – and that the sector needs reform – but they also contribute to the negative image of a sector which is already struggling due to chronic underfunding and a major workforce crisis. In this country, social care is seen as a second-rate sector. When you think about it, this is incomprehensible considering that care work is a highly-skilled job which our society relies heavily on. With an ageing population, demand is continuing to increase and it is estimated that the sector will need at least another half a million jobs, and people to fulfil them by 2030.    Yet there are currently around 75,000 vacant posts in the social care sector according to the GMB union. Skills for Care estimates that the vacancy rate for care workers is 9.1% – more than three times the average for all jobs. We are already seeing the impact of Brexit, with fewer EU workers entering our care sector. Attracting people to the sector has never been more critical and what we need now is incentives, not barriers. The cost of regulation For the entire time that I’ve been in the sector there has been talk about registering care workers. From a quality and safeguarding point of view, it’s an excellent idea. Putting it into practice, however, is going to be a challenge. Consider the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). They set the education standards that professionals must achieve to practise in the UK. If nursing professionals don’t uphold the standards and behaviours set out in their code they can be removed from the register. This gives people the confidence that they will receive quality, safe care.  But the NMC is primarily funded by an annual registration fee, which all nursing professionals have to pay. Forcing care workers to pay an annual fee on the current salary levels could become a deterrent to people joining the sector. Wages are notoriously low and don’t match the level of responsibility that social care roles demand. Why should they pay to be on a register when they can earn the same wage in a supermarket? Training can ensure high standards and help to engage and motivate employees, but cost can be a barrier here too, both for employers and workers. Fully-funded training can act as a much-needed incentive to attract – and keep – people in the sector. My family founded Acacia Training after struggling to recruit and retain quality staff at the two care homes we own in Staffordshire and Cheshire. Where we can, we proactively seek out funding opportunities in order to deliver training to carers across the UK. This benefits both employers and employees in order to continually improve standards in the sector. Previously all care workers had to achieve a level 2 qualification within two years of joining the sector but now it’s more of a grey area in terms of expectation. We need to set clear, mandatory minimum standards for all care workers. Retention is just as important as recruitment Ongoing training is also important in retaining employees – another area where the care sector is struggling. There is a real lack of progression opportunities for staff. The opportunities are there but they are not visible or accessible to the majority of people. The care sector is hard. Many people who decide to join it aren’t prepared for how physically and mentally draining it can be. Others get disillusioned by the low salaries and lack of progression. Yet every day hundreds of thousands of care workers get up, go to work and do an absolutely incredible job, caring for society’s most needy and vulnerable people and contributing enormously to their health, happiness and wellbeing. So yes, the care sector does need a radical overhaul and the APPG report is an important step in the right direction. But it also needs an image overhaul too. Let’s stop undervaluing the workforce in this sector and instead look at what we can do to motivate and inspire people to love their job and be the best they can be. Let’s celebrate the hardworking and dedicated people who working tirelessly in this sector to make a positive difference. Victoria Sylvester is a registered nurse, owner of two care homes and Director of Acacia Training, which provides apprenticeships, short courses and government-funded qualifications in the health, social care and early years sectors. For more information, visit: www.acaciatraining.co.uk.

How can care homes attract more staff?

Care homes recruitment - care workers on a computer

Emma Platt, division manager of White Recruitment Health & Social Care, one of the UK’s foremost recruiters for care homes, discusses recruiting and retaining good-quality staff members… As the UK healthcare sector continues to suffer from the worst staffing crisis in recent memory, more and more care homes are being forced to shut down. In addition to this, with an ageing population, the strain on these institutions is only set to increase.  However, despite an unfavourable staffing situation, there are still many things that care homes can do to attract more nurses. CPD Offering and encouraging nurses to pursue training and development helps greatly with attraction, and also retention – with one survey suggesting 70% of workers will remain in their roles due to job-related training and development. By becoming known as a care home that gives nurses the chance to progress through the ranks, and actively encouraging them to take charge of their careers – you will be seen as a far more appealing place to work.  Mentoring Tying in closely with CPD, mentoring is another key approach to boost attraction. By being known as an organisation that gives mentoring to young employees, provides them with feedback, guidance, and the opportunity to soak up the valuable experience within your workforce, you can take advantage of an easy, cost-effective way to bring more nurses into the fold. Flexible working It’s vital to offer employees as much as possible in terms of work-life balance, as the excessively demanding schedules of care workers are in part contributing to the current crisis. This can be done by introducing non-traditional working arrangements such as flexible working. The desire for this is clear, especially amongst younger workers, with 67% of millennials claiming ‘flexi-time’ was something they expected as standard from a job. Technological advances, such as e-rostering and e-job planning, should make this easier to implement. Employer Brand A strong employer brand is key to talent attraction, and retention. Research shows 63% of employees admit that a trusted employer increases job satisfaction. Care homes need to build a relevant Employee Value Proposition (EVP) for potential recruits. This can be achieved in a number of ways, such as finding a recruitment partner that is well placed to assist with communicating an authentic, attractive employer brand. Ultimately, with plenty of more ‘fashionable’ brands to compete with, care homes must take action to get in front of young audiences and give people a glimpse of some of the high-tech, cutting edge work going in the sector. Communicate your purpose Any employer brand must also communicate your purpose across all touchpoints. Many workers nowadays, especially millennials and gen Z, are value-driven and committed to finding a company that aligns with their beliefs. By emphasising the ethical, socially minded aspects of working in a care home, and the difference that can be made in patients’ lives – recruitment will be a far easier job. Highlight the ways your organisation gives back and is actively engaged in the community, and make sure you are vocal about your core values – and that this is integrated into any employer branding. No ‘one size fits all’ approach Ultimately, there is no magic solution for solving the current staffing crisis in care homes. However, by embracing the above methods, those in the sector can begin turning things around. Fortunately, these solutions are interchangeable, and by embracing any one method, you will be going some way to implementing the others. For instance, by investing in flexible working solutions, your employer brand will benefit.

Care sector jobs – new appointments, promotions and vacancies

Avalon team - care sector jobs

Care sector jobs – Care & Nursing Essentials magazine presents a round-up of new appointments, promotions and vacancies at care providers and within the wider social care sector.  Darley Dale Apprentice wins Health & Care Hero Award November 2019 17-year-old Health & Social Care Apprentice, Nell Matthews, was recently presented with the prestigious Heath & Care Hero Award at the Darley Dale Community Awards. The award recognises her dedication and commitment to her role at Darley Dales’ Ivonbrook Care Home, celebrating her enthusiasm and excellence at work. Working towards her Health & Social Care Level 2, Nell has gone from strength to strength in the world of care, learning alongside the homes’ experienced carers how to provide the best care service possible.  Nell attended the glittering award ceremony to accept her award, enjoying a night of much-deserved celebration. Nell commented on her achievement, saying: “I was really grateful to have been nominated for the award, let alone to have won it. “I didn’t always have the best time at school, but I’ve never let it hold me back. “With my apprenticeship, I’m learning while on the job – gaining valuable work experience all while working towards a well-recognised qualification. “Working in care is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. “For me, caring is about helping the residents maintain their dignity and independence. It can be emotionally draining at times but it’s still a great feeling to be able to help someone in need.” To learn more about our excellent Carers and the support and companionship they provide to help our residents enjoy later life, get in touch with a member of our team on 01629 735306. Canford Healthcare announces new appointment at Hampton Care Home October 2019 Canford Healthcare, a leading provider of nursing, residential and dementia care services in south west London, is pleased to announce the appointment of Anne Trigg RMN as Home Manager of Hampton Care Home.  Anne brings a wealth of valuable and very varied experience to the role. Not only is she a qualified chef, baker and butcher – courtesy of the Women’s Royal Air Force – but she is also a mental health trainer, university lecturer and psychiatric nurse who spent 15 years working with patients on a secure unit. Since moving over to elderly care, Anne has held a number of senior management posts for well-known companies including Caring Homes and Royal British Legion, where she oversaw several CQC outstanding ratings.  One of her main priorities is to reinforce the home’s commitment to person-centred care, ensuring that residents are supported to live full and active lives, as far as possible. “As soon as people become elderly others try to stop them from doing things they’ve always done. They are people with wisdom, not children,” she says. “Why should they not do what they enjoy, simply because they live in a care home? Our role is to protect them, not take away their choice.” Anne is already enjoying working with her new team. “Every day our dedicated and highly skilled staff endeavor to deliver the best care to residents. But we won’t rest on our laurels because we can always be better at what we do!” Caron Sanders-Crook, Operations Manager says: “We are delighted to welcome Anne as the new manager of Hampton Care Home. We believe that her particular set of knowledge, skills and experience, together with her person-centred approach to residents, add up to a formidable combination that will take Hampton from strength to strength.” Anne is ably assisted by recently promoted Mobin Jacob Philip, the home’s former clinical lead, as well as the rest of the Hampton team. Chief Nurse appointed to drive quality governance and clinical compliance procedures September 2019 Florence, the recruitment marketplace connecting nursing and care home providers with qualified professionals to fill temporary shifts, today announces it has appointed Fiona Millington to the newly created position of Chief Nurse.  In her new role, Fiona will lead clinical governance systems and processes across the organisation. She will be working closely with the management team to develop frameworks and policies that support quality, compliance and safety for all RNs and carers engaged by Florence and the residents they support. With over thirty years of nursing experience, Fiona began her career in nursing as a registered nurse in Bristol where she completed her training. She has subsequently enjoyed a varied and successful nursing and academic career, having previously held the position of Associate Chief Nurse at the University Hospital North Midlands and lectured at Keele University on nursing theory and practice.    Fiona has a passion for looking after older people and during her role as Matron at the Royal Stoke University Hospital, she helped to launch a Frail Elderly Assessment Unit – an older person’s alternative to A&E. This model, now in its tenth year, was believed to be the first of its kind and has gone on to be adopted up and down the country. Fiona said, “Nursing is a privileged role, supporting people and their loved ones during times when they need it most. It requires kindness, compassion and clinical expertise, factors that all contribute to delivering quality patient care and the effective management of the clinical environment including nursing and residential care home settings. “I was attracted to Florence because it offers me the opportunity to bring my experience and passion for governance to a growing business and nursing network. The issue of temporary staffing and recruitment in the social care sector needs to be addressed and I look forward to being part of the solution, helping with the development of a more flexible workforce, which is effective and efficient.” Charles Armitage, Co-founder and CEO at Florence, said: “I am delighted to welcome Fiona to Florence as we expand our team in order to support our planned growth trajectory. She brings a wealth of experience and a strong track record of governance and compliance leadership. I have no doubt that she will make

Brexit recruitment project to support Scotland’s care providers

Brexit will affect recruitment in care

Service and solution provider for the care industry Novacare has launched a project to support care providers with the recruitment and retention of staff – in preparation for both Brexit and the festive season. The overall aim of the project, which has been approved for funding through Scottish Enterprise, is to identify and address workforce issues in light of the ever-changing EU/Brexit environment. The consulting program has been built specifically for the social care sector as a direct response to industry demand as research showed that 80% of care companies are concerned about how Britain’s exit from the EU (Brexit) will affect their workforce. 100% of those who raised this concern agreed that consulting for recruitment and retention would help them to mitigate some of the risks of Brexit. Recruitment and retention in care: act now Stephen Wilson, CEO and Co-Founder of Novacare comments: “Undoubtedly there is set to be a myriad of issues around recruitment and retention of EU employers from the impending Brexit date of Oct 31st, which is why it’s so important that businesses act now, and ensure that they are fully prepared for everything.  “Our consultation project will assist care companies with attracting and sourcing higher volumes of staff, in preparation for a reduction to the usual application volumes which is anticipated to be caused by Brexit and improving the retention of existing staff which will in turn help to mitigate the risks of excessive staff leaving caused by Brexit. “We are already in touch with a number of local authorities across Scotland and we are working with them and supporting them to share the news of this project in their respective regions.” Novacare was founded by care industry experts with the aim of tackling some of the largest issues within health and social care. Ranging from consulting to software development, their solutions are tailor-made specifically for the needs of the care sector. The consultation project, approved for funding through Scottish Enterprise is available to all Scotland-based care providers and various grants are available which cover the majority (if not all) of the cost.  Stephen Wilson concludes, “Businesses have a responsibility to understand all of their options and if the pool of staff have diminished already due to Brexit concerns, then it’s imperative that we support the industry by informing them around what processes need to be put into place to deal with staff recruitment and retention effectively.” Find out more at Novacare.

Brexit – a perfect storm for social care

Stephen Wilson, left, CEO and Co-Founder of recruitment platform Novacare, discusses how Brexit will add to an already critical situation within the social care sector

Stephen Wilson, CEO and Co-Founder of recruitment platform Novacare, discusses how Brexit will add to an already critical situation within the social care sector – and why women should be better recognised for their role within the care industry. The Office for National Statistics reports female unemployment fell this year to 3.7% the lowest since records began in 1971. Unsurprising when women account for the vast majority of the 1.75 million people who work in Social Care across the UK. As a sector social care contributes £38.5 billion to the economy in England alone. A figure which continues to rise as the size of the population over 65 requiring support grows.   Yet it is a sector with over 110,000 care vacancies, and a turnover of more than 390,000 (30.7%) per year. This crisis in recruiting impacts those waiting to be discharged from hospital and those at home awaiting a care package.  So how will Brexit add to an already critical situation within social care?  The Department of Health itself estimates that there could be 28,000 fewer workers in the social care sector in England five years after leaving the EU. It also warns that this could have a knock-on effect on women’s participation in the workforce as they move out of paid employment to take on informal care roles. The result of this would be hundreds of thousands of hours’ worth of lost earnings, mainly for women. Given over 104,000 EU nationals and 129,000 non-EU nationals work within the sector, we can’t be complaisant about the impact Brexit and a points-based immigration policy will have. With the UK government’s announcement on 19 August that European Union (EU) “free movement” rules will end immediately if there is a ‘No-Deal’ Brexit on 31 October 2019, new immigration restrictions become more likely. The immediate impact for employers would include: The risk to the social care sector is that visas may only apply to skilled workers with a salary in excess of £30,000. The average salary for a full-time social care worker in England is £9.10 per hour, less than £19,000 per annum. Currently, the most needed group of workers would fall outside of the proposed immigration salary threshold. All of these factors build up into the perfect storm for recruitment into the social care workforce. Conclusion Gender shouldn’t be a factor when it comes to employment, however social care remains predominately delivered by women. This traditionally low paid sector deserves better recognition and reward for the work its staff do. They improve the quality of peoples’ lives day in, day out. Early morning, late at night, 365 days a year in all weather, social care staff make sure the most vulnerable in society are safe. Isn’t it time we worked together to improve their lives?

Social care sector urged to back recruitment campaign

Social care sector urged to back recruitment campaign - nurse on ipad

A recruitment campaign run by the Department of Health and Social Care is due to launch in a second phase after an overwhelming response from applicants earlier this year. People working in the adult social care sector are being urged by the Minister for Care to back the campaign –the first phase of which generated a 14% uplift in clicks on the ‘apply’ button for care roles on DWP Find a Job and 97% more searches for jobs containing ‘care’ or ‘care worker’. The next phase of the campaign will run from autumn 2019 to April 2020 with the Department calling for support from providers from across the adult social care sector to advertise vacancies through DWP Find a Job and share success stories. Minister for Care, Caroline Dinenage, said: “The social care sector is crying out for talented care workers with the right values. We’ve seen from the campaign already that there are the right people out there but there is still a huge demand and we must reach out to more people to show them that careers in adult social care can be varied, rewarding and flexible. I’m calling on the social care sector to rally together and lend us their support again to bring to life the true rewards of caring and showcase the qualities needed to do the vast range of diverse jobs in care.”    Building on the success of the first phase which ran from February to April 2019, the campaign will continue to encourage and inspire people to consider and apply for jobs in adult social care by bringing to life the mutual reward for both those working in care and those they support, as well as showcasing the diversity of roles in the sector. Providers are being urged to send in case studies of those working in the sector and continue to advertise vacancies both on DWP Find a Job and on local jobs boards. A proven increase in applications for social care roles The campaign promises to make a real difference to providers. One in four (26%) care employers surveyed after the first phase saw an increase in either enquiries, applications, interviews or vacancies filled. By supporting the campaign and helping to bring to life the range of roles available, care providers stand to gain from increased quantity and quality of applicants for their own vacancies. Kicking off with an updated advertising creative that captures both the diversity and reality of working in the care sector, the next phase of the campaign will be promoted across outdoor posters, online TV adverts, radio, social media and digital channels, as well as PR and partnerships activity. This will include two big bursts of activity –one in the autumn and another in January – underpinned by a constant drumbeat throughout the year. An updated campaign toolkit and suite of materials free to download from the website will also be available for care providers to use. The first PR activity burst in the autumn will showcase the values and flexibility of working in care through recruitment events where those considering a career in care work, in particular those with existing caring responsibilities such as parents, will be invited to come for an interview with their children in tow. Two events will be held in London and Southampton, with care providers across the UK also encouraged to hold their own recruitment events – a toolkit to help them to do this will be available. The second burst will build on people’s desire for change and self-improvement in the New Year by showcasing how a new career in care could offer professional growth and development as well as more fulfilment. Beyond these bursts, the campaign will put a spotlight on all the types of care roles available in the sector. This will include a focus on mental health and complex needs, domiciliary care, rural care opportunities, individual employers and personal assistants, shared lives schemes and supporting people with learning disabilities. Skills for Care Interim CEO Andy Tilden said: “We fully support DHSC’s adult social care recruitment campaign, and we want every care provider to get involved as closely as they can supporting these critical efforts to find workers with the right values to take on jobs that offer huge professional and personal rewards. The upcoming PR recruitment events offers a great opportunity to speak to potential employees, showing them the flexibility and pride offered by starting a career in our growing sector, so we are confident providers will jump at the chance to get involved.” Ria Lyon, HR Co Ordinator, from Warrington said of the first phase: “At Making Space we have always used the Find a Job Government website to advertise all our vacancies but have never received many applications. Since the recruitment campaign we have definitely seen an increase through this site and our own website.” Claire, Support Worker at Agincare, who was photographed for some of the adverts in the 2018/19 campaign: “When I originally found out I was going to be taking part in the campaign, I was so excited to be sharing the amazing job I do. Unfortunately, people don’t see all of what is involved in being a carer so just sharing a small part is just amazing.” Can you help boost social care recruitment campaign? If you are a care provider and would like to support the recruitment campaign by sharing case studies, please contact  everydayisdifferent@dhsc.gov.uk. Over the coming months the DHSC team will also be sharing activity plans and engaging directly with specific members of the sector to help them best showcase the variety of roles in the care industry. See the social care recruitment campaign website at everydayisdifferent.com and the Facebook page at facebook.com/everydayisdifferent  

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