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The Fire Safety Scheme

The fire safety scheme address the challenge for knowing how safe a building is by providing the public with a fire safety star rating for a building, viewed both on line and the window sticker which is placed at the entrance of a building, just look for the trade marked logo on the annually renewable window sticker! 

The fire safety scheme provides an application tool designed to enable a consistent approach to fire risk assessments. Historically, assessors have used different tools, different methodologies, and when assessors have been benchmarked were found to possess a vast range of experiences, knowledge and skills. The result often leads to inconsistent findings, which are not commensurate to the degree of fire risk. 

The fire safety scheme changes this and provides 
  • A standard assessment application tool
  • Report is compiled in real time during the assessment undertaking using a an ipad or tablet computer 
  • Information buttons provide the assessor with a what to look for guide
  • The assessor can upload building plans photographs and has the functionality to mark these up electronically
  • Imbedded tools to help the assessor, such as the ability to check any product against a known product recall list
  • Once the assessment is complete the application automatically issues the user and the responsible person with a PDF version of the report along with electronic access to the action register
  • The report provides an executive summary compliance dashboard 
  • The scheme generates automatic notification for overdue actions 
  • The report generated is independently reviewed by Chartered Fire Engineers who are registrants with the IFE (Institution of Fire Engineers), their comments are contained within the action register with an automatic notification of their review sent to the The Fire Safety Schemeresponsible person
  • The action register links audited suppliers for products and services with customer needs therefore, providing confidence to the consumer for trustworthy products and services
  • Within 21 days of the assessment undertaking the building details are listed on a public accessible webpage, information shown; the name of the building, the address, the date of the assessment undertaking and the fire safety star rating achieved
  • Also, within 21 days of the undertaking a annually renewable window sticker is issued to the building user to display the fire safety star achieved and a certificate which may be presented to their insurance provider
  • The publicly accessible webpage also provides a means to report any fire safety violation which will be investigated by a chartered fire engineer to support and drive fire safety compliance

For further information please visit or 

telephone +44 (0) 7803 518 035 or 


Grahame Gardner
Mr Trax Curtain & Blind Solutions
Inspired Inspirations
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